Creating a fictional transportation service called AirJ, then creating a design system and prototype for the service that goes in depth on Figma Variables and Properties.
Creating a fictional transportation service called AirJ, then creating a design system and prototype for the service that goes in depth on Figma Variables and Properties.
Designing a potential kiosk interface for Subway that is focused on considerations in the hardware, content, functionality, and overall user experience when interacting.
Designing a potential kiosk interface for Subway that is focused on considerations in the hardware, content, functionality, and overall user experience when interacting.
Taking the physical capabilities of a driver's license and expanding on them to create a mobile app design meant to serve as a virtual wallet for different forms of licenses.
Taking the physical capabilities of a driver's license and expanding on them to create a mobile app design meant to serve as a virtual wallet for different forms of licenses.
Taking the physical capabilities of a driver's license and expanding on them to create a mobile app design meant to serve as a virtual wallet for different forms of licenses.